A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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Results 11-20:

To Ida Tarbell,  Friday [Oct. 7 or 14, 1927?] , from Jaffrey, N.H.Allegheny 

Letter gave her great pleasure. Writing [ Archbishop ] was the greatest pleasure she ever had. Is receiving and treasuring many letters from missionary priests. Rector in Denver says he is still using Joseph Machebeuf's chalice and vestments. Misses the book now that it has gone from her. Also, is homeless at present. Will probably spend winter in Arizona.   Willa Cather   [Stout #905]

To Blanche Knopf,  Sunday [Oct. 27, 1929? Note: Oct. 29, perhaps date of receipt, written at top by B. K., but year is uncertain. Reference to Quebec would seem to place it in 1928, but reference to Gale's book would seem to link it to Oct. 17, 1929 letter, datable as to year by the location in Jaffrey] HRC 

Expects to be in town November 22 but will be in Quebec between this date and then. Please keep the ticket so it won't get lost. Likes Zona Gale's book.   W. S. C.   [Stout #986]

To Wilbur CrossFeb. 11, [1930]Beinecke 

Is glad to answer his questions, but has very little time to see friends. Yes, is working on another book, but unsettlement of present life is impeding it. P.S.: Recommends he read Laughing Boy [LaFarge]  Willa Cather   [Stout #1005]

To Robert U. JohnsonOctober 31, [1930]AAAL 

Will be pleased to be present for the presentation of the Howells Medal, but hopes not to make an acceptance speech. Is grateful for this honor.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1023]

To Father TalbotJune 26, 1931, from Grosvenor Hotel, New YorkGU 

Was pleased by his letter about Shadows on the Rock. Found it difficult to get a balanced view of the early historical figures of Quebec. Has long admired the quality of loyalty to a tradition and religion that she found there. Believes the France of two hundred years ago was a nobler place than the France or the United States of the present. Tried to be as accurate as possible, though did make some deliberate changes, such as the placement of the King's warehouse at that time. Appreciates his interest. P.S.: Some serious errors in Catholic observance in the first draft were corrected by Mrs. Garret McEnerny, of San Francisco.  Willa Cather   [Stout #1059]

To Zoë Akins,  n.d. [May 27, 1935] Huntington 

How nice of her to send Josephine a present!   W. S. C.   [Stout #1260]

To Ferris GreensletMar. 2, 1936Harvard 

Is he in Boston at present? Wants to write a personal letter and needs to know where to send it.  Willa S. Cather  Signed by S. J. Bloom. [Stout #1300]

To Sister LecroisJune 12, 1937unknown present location; previously at Manhattanville College, Purchase, N.Y. 

Is very pleased by her letter. Is glad when French people find an authentic note in her two priests [in Death Comes for the Archbishop]. They were modeled on real figures from history whom she studied so closely she felt she knew them. Unfortunately, her student cannot hope to publish a translation of the book into French, as that has already been done and by now has been published. Will have Miss Bloom enclose a copy of the short essay about the writing of the book done for a Catholic publication [ Commonweal ].   Willa Cather   [Stout #1366]

To Ferris GreensletJune 10, 1940Harvard 

Very pleased with the autobiography of John Buchan being serialized in the Atlantic. Congratulations on securing a book of such good sense that allows one to think about a different life than that in the present troubled state of the world—as different as Virgilian pastoral. Has been accused of escapism, but realizes one can't escape everything. Is utterly unable to escape the sorrow now threatening all that has made life worth living in this world. Her doctor says people in hospitals these days lack the will to get well. He has forbidden her to go to Philadelphia to accept an honorary degree from the University of Pennsylvania this month because her physical resistance is so low. P.S.: Please check current edition of My Ántonia from the Riverside Press and see what poor quality paper they are using. One side of the page bleeds through to the other.  Willa Cather   [Stout #1484]

To Ferris GreensletSept. 21, 1940, from New YorkHarvard 

Appreciated his offering her a copy of Lord Tweedsmuir, but didn't answer because completing her new book. Knopf pleased with it. Has not yet received Audubon's America, and looks forward to it as well as the book on Tweedsmuir. Glad they have both known such fine people. Greatly admires the present conduct of the British. Even Stephen Tennant, as pampered as he has been, says he is proud to be in England now. Finished reading Churchill's Life of Marlborough at Grand Manan and considers it a very great work. P.S.: The books have arrived.  Willa Cather   [Stout #1491]

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